
Health Care Links – a very informative website with a lot of useful information about pain clinics – an incredibly useful resource! Very patient-centred with heaps of self-help advice and strategies including pacing, exercise, relaxation and diet. Really empowers people to take control of their life again. – the official website of the regulatory body for osteopaths. It offers information about osteopathy generally and the registration of osteopaths in particular. –  the website for osteopaths and patients. It offers useful general advice and has some good back care exercise videos. – the shoulder is a complex joint and cause a wide range of problems. This site offers ways of understanding your shoulder problem better and provides information ranging from diagnostic procedures, to treatment options including surgery. – This site can offer a wealth of information about all types of health issues and how the NHS can help you resolve them. – the UK self help organisation for back pain of all types. Plenty of practical advice, guidance and support. – a fantastic local resource where you can find products ranging from mattresses to bags, all designed with spinal health in mind. The beauty is that you can try out the products and get a feel for whether they suit you. – stress plays a big part in pain . This site clearly explains how to identify and then manage stress. – an interesting site looking at ergonomics and injury prevention. – a great site looking at stress and how to help yourself. – a brilliant site for all things to do with spinal surgery. – a great site  recommended by a visitor to our website. The National Cancer Institute, who keep people informed on the relation between smoking and cancer. – This guide is packed with the latest and most comprehensive information related to sitting disease I am sure you’ll find it both helpful and informative.

Child Protection Policy

Children under the age of 16 who are attending for treatment MUST be accompanied by a parent. Written consent from the parent will be required if another named adult is to accompany the child.

BHOP recognises the modesty of patients of all ages and will seek consent from the parent and the child before requiring the patient to undress to the clinically indicated level. The practitioners are aware that patients of all ages require explanation of examination and treatment procedures as patients can feel quite vulnerable during this process. Age appropriate explanations will be given to the child and further more detailed explanation will be given to the parent. The child will be given the opportunity to ask questions and be as fully involved in their management as possible. Consent from the parent and the child will be sought before treatment commences.

BHOP recognises it has a duty of care to the parents of patients up to the age of 18 and is aware of the sensitivities that this may raise in extreme circumstances.

Children brought to BHOP while the parent is attending for treatment are the responsibility of the parent. If the parent is unable to manage the child’s behaviour during the course of their treatment then the treatment may be terminated.

Parents leaving their children in their car while attending for treatment at BHOP do so at their own risk.

If a disclosure is made in the course of an appointment at BHOP in relation to a serious child protection issue then professional advice will be taken and the appropriate authorities may be informed.

Practitioners and staff will undergo CRB checks.

Practitioners will identify themselves clearly to patients and their families.

Complaints Policy and Procedure

It is accepted that many complaints arise through a breakdown in communication, poor communication and inappropriate or unrealistic expectations.

Complaints Procedure

BHOP will promptly deal with concerns or queries as they arise in order to try and prevent a concern developing into a complaint.

Notes will be taken as required and kept with the patients records

A record will be made in the “Concerns Log” specifying date, complainant’s name, practitioner’s name, nature of concern, action taken and outcome.

If this action does not satisfy the complainant, then they will be asked to put the complaint in writing in order to determine the exact nature of the complaint.

At this point, our insurers will be informed that a formal complaint has been made and a record of the complaint will be noted in the “Complaints Log” specifying date, complainant’s name and nature of complaint.

Solutions to resolve the matter internally will be sought in the first instance.

If the complainant in unsatisfied with the internal management of their case they will be advised of their option to pursue their complaint formally with the General Osteopathic Council.  GosC policy will be followed hereafter and further advice from our legal representatives will be taken. Written communications will be kept with the patient’s records. If the complainant is not a patient, any written communication will be filed separately and kept with the Complaints Log.

Confidentiality and Privacy Policies

Bush House Osteopathic Practice (BHOP) takes its responsibility to maintain sensitive and personal information in a secure and confidential way.

  • Patient’s identities are not disclosed in conversation with other patients including spouses and colleagues.
  • Patients records are kept in a lockable filing cabinet away form the practice and waiting room
  • Phone calls and answer phone messages are taken out of the earshot of the treatment or waiting room.
  • The message book is not kept in patient areas.
  • Patient records are removed from the treatment room after each consultation.
  • Switch receipts are removed from the treatment room daily and kept in annual boxes for the required 7 years after which time they are destroyed.
  • Digital images taken during the course of a treatment for patient information will be deleted immediately in front of the patient. In the event of the image being retained, written consent will be sought identifying the purpose of the image, its intended use and time of intended retention.
  • Written consent from the patient will be sought when communicating with general practitioners, legal representatives or other professionals. The only exception to this is when the practitioner believes the patient may be a danger to themselves or others or if there has been a disclosure in relation to a child protection issue. Advice will taken in all areas of uncertainty.

How and why we process your information

Our Privacy Notice explains why we collect your information and how that information may be used. Health care professionals who provide you with care are required by law to maintain records about your health and any treatment you have received. These records help us to fully understand your circumstances and provide you with the best possible care.

Your records may be processed electronically, verbally, on paper or a mixture of these and are kept confidential and secure.

Records held by us may include the following :

  • Your personal data; such as address, date of birth, Email address, phone numbers.
  • Your history with us; such as appointments, fees, method and details of payment.
  • Notes and reports about your health, lifestyle, employment, education, family circumstances
  • Details about your osteopathic treatment and care
  • Some sensitive information such as mental health details, sexual life, racial origin, religious or other beliefs, offences and alleged offences.
  • Results of investigations; such as blood tests, scans and x-rays
  • Relevant information from other health professionals, relatives or carers

We obtain and hold data for the sole purpose of providing osteopathic care to our patients and we will ensure that the information is kept secure and confidential.

Some research data is held centrally and used for statistical purposes. Strict measures are in place to ensure that individual patients cannot be identified. Sometimes your information will be required for particular research purposes and in these instances we will seek your additional consent.

We may need to share your information, with your agreement on how it will be used, with :

  • NHS Trusts – eg your doctor, specialist, radiographer
  • Independent and Private sector providers – eg physiotherapist, optician, podiatrist, dentist
  • Osteopathic colleague – eg practice associate, locum cover
  • Health Insurance Providers
  • Legal Services Providers
  • Voluntary Sector Providers
  • Ambulance Trust, Fire and Rescue Service, Police
  • Care Services
  • Local Authorities
  • Education Services

We are required by law to keep your medical records for a minimum of 8 years or up to the age of 25 in the case of patents we saw as children.

The Bush House Osteopathic Practice website uses cookies. A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time a visit returns. Cookies help the practice to track visitors and their website access preferences. Website visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on her computers should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using the practice website.

Bush House Osteopathic Practice does not sell or broker your data.

Under the DPA, you have the right to view information we hold about you, and have it amended or removed should it be inaccurate.

In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by Bush House Osteopathic Practice you have the right to complain to us. If you do not get a response within 30 days, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.


Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF 

Tel – 0303 123 1113


Equality and Diversity Policy

Bush House Osteopathic practice will not tolerate discrimination against any patient or associate on the grounds of race, gender, disability, age, religion or sexuality.

The age of the building makes full disabled access a problem for some wheel chair users. In these, and other specific mobility affected patients, domiciliary visits can be arranged.

Health and Safety Policy

BHOP will undertake risk assessments annually or sooner if required.

All Practitioners will hold a current and appropriate First Aid qualification.

All accidents will be reported in the Accident Book.

All near misses will be recorded in the “Near Miss Book” and may inform a Clinical Learning Log that strives to raise standards of care for patients. By working in a culture of identifying and managing potential health and safety issues rather than a culture of blame, valuable learning opportunities are optimised.

BHOP will display its current employer’s liability insurance in a public area.

Annual Risk Assessments

  • Accessing the building
  • Safety within the practice area
  • Chemicals (COSH)
  • Fire
  • Infection Control
  • Electrical
  • Osteopathic Treatment
  • Data Protection

PCI DSS Compliance

Dear Customer

Reference: C15
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Thank you for validating your compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Your PCI DSS Certificate of Compliance is available for download at

We will provide timely reminders regarding your PCI DSS renewal and compliance maintenance tasks.
Need Help with PCI DSS?
The PCI DSS Compliance Programme Portal will guide you through the process. However, should you have any questions or need assistance, please call our PCI DSS Helpdesk on 0845 300 7757†. Lines are open Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Yours Sincerely,
Amanda Easter
Compliance Manager
First Data Merchant Solutions